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About  Me

I was born in a family of textiles, my great great grandparents sold fabrics, my great grandparents were tailors, my grandparents and my parents, manufacturers and I feel I have this passion in my blood.


I remember creating dresses on paper, imagining I would later sell them when I grew up. My first trip to Europe to see fashion collections was when I was 15 and I was drawn to fashion, cafés, streets with design, art objects, shocking colours, embroidery and glitter.

I later learnt different art techniques, tasting the pleasure of working with my own hands and started applying these techniques on garments, which ended up becoming unique art pieces to be traded.


I grew up in textile factories, participating in dinners sharing work experiences, and with all this curiosity I studied the visual design of the stores, the fashion industry from all angles and the search of new trends. I had a factory and also a store where I sold my art pieces.

Now, with all this experience, I find myself living in Israel, a big change in life in which I am still trying to find myself but art and design are part of my life.


I am now opening this online store where I share with you all my designs and creations and I will help you create the image of your company or simply be part of your own creative process.



Romina Cotton


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